Tackling One Of The Taboo Topics In Male Lexicon

Male Infertility is one of the lesser discussed issues when it comes to the discussion of infertility. It is somewhere associated with one’s virility when the two have got nothing to do with each other. Male Infertility is a perfectly treatable medical condition, once the correct diagnosis is obtained from reliable sources.


When a normal co-habiting couple who wish to procreate, fails to conceive even after a considerable period of TTC or trying to conceive, which can range from 6 months to 1 and 1/2 years of unprotected sex, fall into the category of “infertility”. Though women are the first to be put under the scanner for not being able to reproduce, male infertility is an equally significant contributor to fertility related issues.

Reasons leading up to Male Infertility

Did you know that the ubiquitous laptop you so diligently place on your lap for ease of catching the next Netflix series can be a major cause for low sperm count? Heat, smoking drinking, stress can all equally aggravate the problem. The job-related tension that is always playing in your mind, tight undergarments, or wearing too well-fitted a jean or even too much of exercise and the pot belly, can also lead to a significant drop in your sperm count and cause lower sperm motility. That is the reason lifestyle change is the first advice given by specialist doctors in this line of treatment.

What basically constitutes Male Infertility?

Male infertility can manifest itself in form of low sperm motility (movement of sperm toward the egg), low sperm count and low sperm morphology (size and shape of individual sperm). However, the good news is that most forms of male infertility are medically treatable.

How is Male Infertility Treated?

Though a visit to the sperm diagnostic centre can be an unnerving experience. It is the first line of diagnosis that is suggested by the urologist. Male infertility can manifest itself through obstruction in your sperm carrying tube, testicular injury / infection, sperm / genetic disorder, hormonal/ ejaculation problem. According to the nature of problem, the doctors may prescribe any of the following steps:

Medicines: Medicines may be prescribed to address hormonal or ejaculated related disorders.

Surgery: In case of obstruction in the sperm tube or for the repair of dilated scrotal veins, varicocelectomy operation is done which has a high success rate.

Hi-Tech ART:    When all else fails, for cases like Azoospermia in which there is low sperm count, hope still remains. Technology has advanced so far that even without direct copulation, pregnancy is possible through ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques).


  • IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) wherein the sperm is directly introduced into the uterus through a catheter. High Success rate in case of low sperm count and low motility or retrograde ejaculation or immunologic infertility.
  • IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) wherein the sperm and egg are fertilized outside the body. Useful in cases of Oligospermia.
  • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): Most revolutionary treatment in vogue, wherein a single sperm is injected in to the egg for fertilization and the fertilized egg is later placed inside the uterus. Most commonly used in case of low sperm quality or low sperm count on account of obstruction or problems in testicles.
  • The PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) and TESA IVF (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) are basically minimum surgical intervention procedures used to retrieve the sperm, in cases of azoospermia. They are performed at leading centres treating Male Infertility in Pune using minimum incision and warranting negligible overnight stay at the hospital.
Times have evolved and so has the technology. Today, there is no shame attached to seeking fertility treatments for either men or women and earlier the decision is taken and treatment undergone, greater are the chances of early conception and successful pregnancy. 

Take the first step. Reach out to us and book your appointment today at Ssmile IVF, Pune. Ssmile is a leading fertility medical organization in Pune. They provide various treatments including the best male infertility treatment in Pune.


Visit Us : punefertilitycenterindia.com
Mail Us : pune.infertilitycenter@gmail.com
Book Your Appointment Here : punefertilitycenterindia.com/book-appointment


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